Entitlement Chickens Coming Home to Roost
Occasionally, something happens that causes outrage to those who seldom have reason to be angry. It’s the sort of outrage that Others (I do mean to have the word capitalized) feel on a regular basis. Recently, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that one of the 181 private streets in San Francisco was sold , and the sale of that street has the residents of that enclave in an uproar. However, the uproar is a common occurrence when it happens to Others. I suspect it’s not felt often by the type of people who reside in exclusive enclaves of entitlement, but the reasons why are dissimilar. Throughout American history, the opportunity for Others to be self-sufficient communities within the United States were denied, or retarded by laws specifically designed to maintain the order this country had since its inception. Redlining in northern cities, Jim Crow laws in the south, ordinances that prevented Chinese immigrants (willing or otherwise) who chose to stay after building the rail...